First Post?!
Hello all!
As some of you may know, I’ve been moving in waves in the comic community for a while, but now I’m here! I’m Dom, the assistant editor of Comic Releases and project manager for Near Mint Condition, the home of collected editions. But since then, (and after talking extensively with my friend Stephen), I decided to give the grind a go, and now? I make YouTube videos daily (or attempt to, my poor burning heart).
I host multiple types of videos, including reviews, overviews, commentary on the socioeconomics of comics, release date updates, and multiple podcasts including Two California Filipinos with Drew Morgan and New in Nerdom with Dylan Gray!
As I don’t do much as of yet, I’m not asking for much (if at all), but $1 a month helps me up and running to purchase comics, subscriptions, and even food to help me fuel my drive into the world.
You be you, and have a wonderful day!